Change or Die: Disruption is the Consequence of Innovation

I have been thinking a lot about the word of innovation. I used to hate this word. Admittedly, I still hate it but I kind of love it at the same time. The reason for my hatred was I felt this business buzzword that would soon be out of fashion. I waited more than a decade for that to happen. It didn’t. Then a few years back I decided that I liked enough to use it in the name of my new agency. Go figure. If you ever asked me 10 years ago if I would ever consider using this word in the name of company much less in the name of my own company I would have laughed…loudly. But the fact of the matter is that there is literally no other word that has the same implications as this one. And what I realized is… that as resistant as I can be to change… I actually enjoy the process of innovating. And not only that, but the work that I do in branding only works for companies that have the same spirit as I do.

The Consequence of Innovation

You see, a company should only hire Consequence if they are changing or have recently changed. To give your company a new look for the sake of giving it a new look is totally uninteresting to me. It may get you a little more traction but in the end if you put a cute dress on an old hag, it’s just an old hag in a cute dress. Think Radio Shack. On the other hand, to rebrand your company because the old look & vernacular no longer accurately represents who you are or because you need to brand a product or company that will disrupt the market you are in, then let’s talk. Disruption is the Consequence of Innovation.

Innovating Process

Change makes most people feel uncomfortable. I sort of love that feeling. It keeps things interesting. In fact, sometimes I just decide to disrupt my own creative process just to see if I can make it better. Going through the same motions day in and day out makes people lazy, bored, and quite frankly not great at their jobs. I used to perform the same creative brief day-in and day-out to kick-off projects until I started realizing I had memorized the questions and the only good stuff I ever got came from the tangents. Dont’ get me wrong, I created it, but somehow that doesn’t matter. It all gets old, quick. With experience comes wisdom and with wisdom comes the ability to try new things. For example, you might go by the same general framework to solve the problem you are trying to fix, but the tactics by which you do it change from project to project. My point? Process should never just business, like brands, process too should always be innovated.




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