Simple Positioning, It Takes Guts.

OOF. It’s been ages since I’ve updated this blog. I had a super busy Spring followed by an insane (but fun) summer. Excuses, excuses! Well, I’m feeling re-energized as I wrap up a brand synthesizing project for a very interesting client and start moving onto the brand rollout. I think we were able to create the very best most simple positioning I could have ever imagined for them. And on that same note, this may be my shortest blog post ever…it simply goes with the theme.

Tuesday night we had my sister and her kids over for an unofficial celebration of my niece’s 10th birthday. She brought her friend Camille. Camille liked conversing with adults, which I not only related to but also just enjoyed…ALOT! Here is how the conversation went after Camille had a chance to size up our house.

Camille: Are you an artist?
Me: Sort of. Unofficially, Yes I am.
Camille: What do you do for a living?
Me: I’m a brand consultant for nonprofits. I help nonprofits figure out what they should look like and sound like.
Camille:  Oh.
Me: (Holding a carton of Haagen Daz ice cream this time). See, Camille… it’s not vanilla. It’s Vanilla Bean!

I couldn’t help thinking about how effortlessly those words had streamed out of mouth and how in an ideal world my clients would all have that same experience.  When you can break down your positioning and put it that simply, it means your organization is laser-focused. Strip away the jargon and get back to basics. It can be scary to go all-in, but it’s worth it and will undoubtedly open up the right opportunities in the long run. Notice I said RIGHT. When you stop trying to be all things to all people, you start being your most authentic self and inspire confidence. My husband brought up a line from the movie No Country for Old Men the other day and it really hit home for me.  It’s when when Javier Bardem goes into the accountant’s office and says,

“That’s foolish. You pick the one right tool.”

Me: Well, are you?

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